Natural intelligence is the source of all A.I. (artificial intelligence) programming. Artificial intelligence is a procedural trivium that allows us to anthropomorphize a computer system. While this has its uses, the energy required to create even somewhat convincing models is unsustainable. Consider that Microsoft is reactivating the infamous Three Mile Island to support a single AI model.
AI has its uses and so does anthropomorphizing it. There are some jobs no human can safely do, and AI equipped machines may one day be a great candidate for these solutions, but for now, natural intellects are far superior when trained to process information. What's more, AI has no use without a competent human user. The real fears about AI are not that it will gain consciousness and overthrow humanity, but that one human will use AI to overthrow everyone else.
The Network Theory Applied Research Institute creates collective intelligence networks to train and employ natural intellects to achieve social and economic tasks. We believe that engaged and equipped people can withstand the threats of AI.
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