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2025 Board Schedule | the Network Theory Applied Research Institute

Writer's picture: the Institutethe Institute

Updated: Dec 19, 2024

2025 is going to be a big year for NTARI. We're getting organized, making connections and adding some new faces. Stay tuned!

In January we will kick off the year with a quarterly meeting hosted on Zoom. The board will also undertake a two-month review and update of NTARI's bylaws. In February, each board member will publish a blog article in Node.Nexus. Subjects are TBD. In March, the board will begin its second annual project-- a review of NTARI's charter documents that will last until May.

April will host the second quarter meeting and in May the board will publish their second round of blog posts. June kicks off the Institute's Summer Quest-- a six month project titled: the Counsel Gathering, during which the board will gather other interested leaders to fill the board's seven seats.

a watch representing time

July's quarterly meeting will be followed by an August publishing round by the board. The Summer Quest concludes in September followed by the fourth quarter meeting in October.

November will host an annual meeting of NTARI's board and members. Finally, we will close the year in December with the new board writing a joint post in Node.Nexus.

The board has seven side quests available throughout the year:

  1. Publish a study in a Back End channel

  2. Contact 50 community representatives

  3. Write and submit a Grant

  4. Fundraise $10,000

  5. Update Candid Guidestar Profile

  6. Start a for profit venture with the Institute

  7. Foster a new partnership for the institute

The board must cooperate on a minimum of 39 tasks this year with 7 side quest points for extra credit. Support the board as they establish the Institute.

Relationship Management Operations

This year, NTARI will focus on building relationships with the authors, thinkers and communities that shaped the NTARI idea. You can see their names in the image below:

2025 NTARI Board Schedule

If you would like to learn how any of these authors influenced NTARI, visit the Meerkat Library to purchase or rent a copy through


The Network Theory Applied Research Institute is a crowdfunded nonprofit 501.c3 organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service. All tax deductible contributions are applied toward the development and promotion of network society.

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